Bournemouth Borough council (Housing Association)

Bournemouth Borough council (Housing Association) Service Phone Number

Customer Service Number

Bournemouth Borough council (Housing Association) Service Address


Town Hall Bourne Avenue Bournemouth BH2 6DY

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Bournemouth Borough council (Housing Association) FAQs

How can I get to speak with the Mayor of the Bournemouth Council? can you, I have a lot of questions - needing answers!!!

Is it the Councils responsibility to keep the pavements clear of Hedges and Trees or is it the Landlord or Homeowner?
Is bh6 5 a smoke control area
Who do I contact regarding a disintegrating Street name sign?
Is Bournemouth next to the sea?
I'm new to food recycling , your literature doesn't say. Bins these days are collected fortnightly. Rubbish one week and Recycle bin the next. Q. Which bin do I put the food collection out ? BH10 5EY
Hi Are we allowed to do lemonde stands on the promenade? Where can we get a permit
How to find out about temporary/seasonal work with the Council for students?
Has anyone had an issue when contacting BCP messaging...whereby messages are not being received, surely a diverse compatible software, should be Insitu, ensuring automatic contact with your , my , our local authority
I have been sent the electoral role check up and when I try to use it comes up with the following;- http Error411. The request must be chuncked or have a content length. What do I do?
Has the law changed about drinking in public places iike boscombe precinct?
Can I get a blue badge from the town hall.
To apply for a secondary school for my children, can I go alone to do the paperwork or do they have to go to the town hall?
How long do you have to wait at Citizen's Advice Bureau?
Do you have to make a appointment to see citizens advice bureau
Who can give me tp for my bungholio
Where can I find details of waste collections for St Leonards
When can we put small electrical items out for binmen to collect, is it on recycling day?
Can we put small electric goods out for gunmen to collect, if so how do we do it?
I have lost my senior bus pass, how do I get another one?
Is there parking for the A338 meeting tomorrow? Cllr Daryl Turner Dorset County Council
How do I report a street light not working?
I am at 59 alumhurst road BH4 8EW We have a driveway here for parking Down one side of the driveway there is fencing. which belongs to our neighbour but it all looks such a mess Is there anything we can do????
How to report non collection of food waste bin
Just moved in how do I get my food waste and glass box?
How do I locate my National Insurance Number
wanted to know like for school admissions we need to give them address proof like it is correct catchment area for that kid but how council people verify that is correct address proof?
Has your website had issues, It's a public website, for general info that anyone living on Bournemouth might want to use, received a popup saying to leave the site Is there a reason for this, have had a conversation with others, other sites too
who is the portfolio holder for upton country park.
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:59 am

Bournemouth Borough council (Housing Association) Head Office Address

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Bournemouth Borough council (Housing Association) Customer Service Opening Time

Monday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

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