Breckland District Council FAQs
Swanton morley referendum where can I see online plans
Does the council have a service for removing old refridgerators
Yes, please ring the main breckland council number for help
Why do people have to wait in excess of 10 minutes for your authority to answer the telephone. Is it a fact that if you keep people hanging on long enough they will hang up. Thats another matter solved.
Maybe because they are dealing with walk-ins too?!
Do you have visitor car parking spaces available?
Are Blue badge [disabled] holders, restricted to 2 hours in Attleborough, Breckland, Norfolk. Mike Kayne
At the moment there is a time limit but only in Queens Square. I also believe it is more than 2 hours
I wanted to request an additional brown bin for garden waste. Your web site says that you can't accept requests for 'new'bins. Does 'additional' count as 'new'? If not, how can I apply. Many thanks, Alan Wilson
Where can one get buried if living in Breckland?
Strange question - surely you don't want to be buried if you're still living?!
How long can you park in Cowper road carpark
No restriction shown at
sorry i have such a question how can i sign up for you as i am new tenant
Pop into Elizabeth House, there will be someone there that can help you.
I want to put a drop kerb in front of my bungalow, who should I contact?
June Palmer
Your local highways agency
When do are bins get collected at NR19 1UG?
Hi, If you complete the My Breckland login, you'll find all the information on bin collections related to your house. Here's the link...
When is the next refuge collection for Welborne?
Hi, If you complete the My Breckland login, you'll find all the information on bin collections related to your house. Here's the link...
What is the minimal income to claim Council Tax
Hi Jane, We suggest you contact our Council Tax team to discuss your particular case. Here's the link
I receive attendance allowance can I get a council tax reduction
Hi Chris, We suggest you contact our Council Tax team to discuss your case. Here's the link
This is not a Breckland Council project, you need to contact your local provider.
Where can I get details of refuse collection and garden waste.
Hi Terry, You'll find all the information here
Dear Council. What is the charge of removal of an astbestos garage.
Many thanks Terry Symons
Hi Terry, Here is all the information you need on asbestos removal and our involvement in the process
Which day is the brown bin collection for Moorgate Road?
Thanks Alexandra, I found it on the website in the end.
can I have the email address to write to the treasurer for BDC
I've been told by my practice nurse that I can get 12 weeks free Slimmming World via Breckland council. Can anyone confirm this and tell me how to do it ?
When is the next bin collection in Shipdham
can i live in a canvan on my land
How do we apply for a jubilee road closure in Old scarning please do I have to go to the parish council breckland council and the police station
I am a Councillor at Necton .In July of this year a member of the public complained about my actions whilkst I was chairing a meeting. I submitted my account to your monitiring officer and since then have heard nothing. Why is this.
New Dereham sign by the back gate of northgate school. Why has this been put there when the last one stood just past the 30 mph sign until a car crashed into it about 3 years ago. Is de Narde rd not in Dereham anymore .
I am homeless and need accommodation because I am seriously ill. Who should I contact apart from council
my faith-in-law is moving into the district. what number should he call to register as a new resident, as well as council tax, benefits, etc, he does not use a computer.
I have sold my property and have moved out the area. How do I cancel my council tax.