Charnwood Borough Council

Charnwood Borough Council Service Phone Number

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Charnwood Borough Council Service Email Address
Charnwood Borough Council Service Address


Council Offices Southfields Road Loughborough LE11 2TN

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Charnwood Borough Council FAQs

Yes, you can go on Charnwood Borough Council website, type in the search area repairs depending on whether it's an urgent repair ,or a non urgent repair, if it's an urgent repair unfortunately you would have to call the out of hours number ,if it's a non urgent repair there is a form on the website that you can fill in ,hope this helps

Are they do face to face appointments now
When are you pay council tax back
Is this were you get your booster jab
can you give me a list of care homes in your district please
Are you allowed to use a blue badge to park outside park view surgery?
What is the cost of garden bin waste?
Can you give me the E address of the CBC tree conservation department
garden wast collection in Hathern, what dates?
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:50 am

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