Clacton & District Hospital

Clacton & District Hospital Service Phone Number

Customer Service Number

Clacton & District Hospital Service Address


Tower Road Clacton On Sea Essex CO15 1LH

Clacton & District Hospital average review score


Clacton & District Hospital recent reviews

write your review
paul may 1 year ago on Google
( 1 out of 5 )

lost my blood not labelled right

derek rowland 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

Great cup of tea in the cafe

gti6306 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

Very clean

Clacton & District Hospital FAQs

What time does the walk in centre close?

9pm unless you call 111 and book an apointmant

What time does x-ray dept close
please could I have the phone number at the hospital for blood test
what time does the phlembotony clinic open at clacton hospital
What times is the blood testing department open.
Is there a coffee shop in the hospital
Where is the Jubilee Clinic?
is clacton outpatients open on monday
I need a INR test it's possible? Quickly. Tomorrow
Will they issue antibiotics
Where do I go for a blood test?
what time is the blood test department till
Is there still a walk in centre?
Do you need appointment to go to walk in
Which covid vaccine is Colchester hospital giving?
Anyone know if bloods have reopened?
How much is it to park
Do you have to book appointment for blood test?
Can I just walk into seea doctor
Can I see a gp
Is there a weighing service for wheelchair users at the hospital? Thanks in advance.
Hi Is the Covid dept. open for injection to day 10 02 2021
What are visiting hours of St osyth priory ward
Are there restricted hours for paying respects
Is there a coffee shop in the hospital
What is the number for the podiatry dept
Are you doing walk in for booster vaccine ? Thankyou
What time does the blood clinic close
What is Durban wards phone number please
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:50 am

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