Curo Choice Limited

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The Maltings River Place Lower Bristol Road BA2 1EP

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Curo Choice Limited FAQs

do you have any 2 bed houses coming up in somerdale keynsham , many thanks Maria

Hello David, we would ask that you apply through the housing register, so for example for properties in the BANES area please apply through Homesearch, for properties in the Bristol are you would need to apply through Homechoice as we must advertise our available properties on the council housing system in order for applicants to apply for it and be given a position number for the property. You are also able to bid for 3 properties a week. Thanks Curo

Is there any 2 bed houses
Can anybody use curo
Is any body ele struggling to see any Benefits from Curo taking over the in-house maintenance of the communal areas i.e. cleaning hallways & gardening. Our garden is starting to look Unrecognisable from lack of proper maintenance since the take over
What are the times that curo says they are coming to the property for example morning visits is it up untill 12noon
Are there flats for retired tenants
Can you please call my mum please. As she is trying to call thou to you lot.
How do you make a complaint about a tenant! Being antisocial without pycopathic comeback
How do I add partner to my house
If you are in arrears with your rent are you able to set up a repayment scheme to pay debt off over period of time.?
Is there any one bed flats
Any bungalow going in Bath?
If I am shared ownership and my fence has blown down and rotten who's responsibility is it to replace it
Good afternoon Please could you tell me if Steve Bird still works at Curo as I have sent him two emails of complaint this week both of which he has failed to reply to.
What surrounding areas are local connection with midsomer norton when bibbing
Can I take in a relative if needed to live with me and help sometimes
I got a tennant is in prison, what happens?
How to remove the curobath Tap knob.
Has curo not got an app anymore as I cant find it.
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:58 am

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