Golding Homes Limited

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Golding Homes Limited Service Address


Whatman House St Leonard's Road Allington ME16 0LS

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Golding Homes Limited FAQs

Why haven't g homes delt with my / their rat problem ? Just see another one outside my window not three feet from my face.

It was your face,You was looking at a mirror,not a window,!

phoned on behalf of brother mr Roger bush, 29 Greenborough close, ME158JN, to report his toilet is blocked and full to overflowing, he is partially sighted and disabled, 3 calls have been made using star feature no callback
As a landlord isn't it your responsibility to maintain your properties?
can you smoke in golding homes properties
What is the email address of Chessy Spencer on boarding manager at Golding Homes?
What is the email address of Cressy Spencer ?
It has been 2 weeks since I've send lots of emails reg our broken washing machine, and no one has replied, not head office, not repair team Is it always like that with Golden homes?
Do golding homes decorate your property
Why does it take bout an hour to all way get throw to golding home and why does it take months on end for a repair to be done when it's clearly states 28 days on the website
how do you make a complaint
how do we go about putting our names on the list for a garage
Can people buy sheltered accodation in Longparish Close Maidstone kent, which is a ground floor flat with a garden.
We live in a terrace of bungalows. Which side of the fencing am i resposible for. Left or right
I need my garden fence replacing. Been told that i am resposible for it. The property next door is empty. So do I have to pay for the whole fence. If i renew it am i legally allowed to take the fence with me when i leave.
i have been in maidstone for 31 years and i am concidering going back to glasgow can i go through golding homes as i have a tenancy with them at the moment
My partner and I rent a bay in county rd Maidstone just wondering why they keep putting prices up for no reason they do nothing to maintain it.
If I wanted to buy my bungalow from golding homes can I and how
Hi Are you looking for a evening cleaner please?
Could we have one of the elderly bungerlow s you are building in Fisher Road seeing as we have got to move due to work that has to be done here,we are to old to keep worrying your Kathleen Hart
Can I transfer my name to my partner account
Do Golding homes have a decorating service for people who are unable to do it themselves?
Can't use number provided ? Anyone got another
How much to clear out a flat
Hi my name is tatiana pompova 144 beatty avenue Me7 2db I not happy with my garden because in the garden to many holds and to many mouse please
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:50 am

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Tuesday 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Wednesday 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Thursday 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Friday 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
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