Gosport Borough council (Housing Association)

Gosport Borough council (Housing Association) Service Phone Number

Customer Service Number

Gosport Borough council (Housing Association) Service Address


Town Hall Gosport PO12 1EB

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Gosport Borough council (Housing Association) FAQs

What happens to the tenancy if anything happens to me , I am the only one on the tenancy so what happens to my husband, son daughter age 33, 34, and grandson age 7

Unfortunately if the unthinkable happens to you, with you being the only one on the tenancy, the property doesn't automatically go to the family. You would need to get either your husband, son or daughter on your tenancy as a joint tenant so as to avoid them losing the property.

How often can I go to the Recycle Tip?
What can I do with wallpaper. Recycle or household waste.
What are the rules for burning rubbish in your garden in the summer
If a house near mine is rented and they have a disabled bay linemarked on the road outside the house, is it removed when the remnants move out?
How do I get in contact with my local borough councillor regarding a tenant landlord dispute
Can i have My disabled bay re lined .
Why won't you help someone who is Vulnerable and not feeling safe in there home and have said for over 3 years that they want to move and need help and said you would????
two months ago i asked a question about 27/29 forton road a derilict house. Could the council not cpo it and it could be put to good use as student accommodation or for the homeless ?
Is the millennium bridge closed Mon & Tues this week
When do the bins get emptied in PO12 3AS we have just moved in.
Christmas period refuge collection for PO13 8 FD?
who do I notify when selling a property
How much will council pay maximum for single person in rented accommodation
How do I get on the housing lest over 60
Is there still bedroom tax
Hello. Just wandered if there is any help for mothers with children if they are going to a unfurnished home because of their abusive partner? Any information would be great. Thank you
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:57 am

Gosport Borough council (Housing Association) Head Office Address

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Gosport Borough council (Housing Association) Customer Service Opening Time

Monday Closed
Tuesday 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
1:00 – 4:00 PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
1:00 – 4:00 PM
Friday Closed
Saturday 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
1:00 – 3:30 PM
Sunday Closed

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