Great Yarmouth Borough Council

Great Yarmouth Borough Council Service Phone Number

Customer Service Number

Great Yarmouth Borough Council Service Email Address
Great Yarmouth Borough Council Service Address


Town Hall Hall Plain Great Yarmouth NR30 2QF

Great Yarmouth Borough Council average review score


Great Yarmouth Borough Council recent reviews

write your review
Alexander mccubbin 8 months ago on 1023
( 5 out of 5 )

Great Yarmouth council is nothing but a joke ,I’m very ill could die if I stay in this house I’m in ,housing options, OK with me going to my death in this house ,and to try and not help me calling me a murdere

Chay Cooper 1 year ago on Google
( 1 out of 5 )

Never answer phones…

James Llewellyn 1 year ago on Google
( 1 out of 5 )

Poor service overall.

Great Yarmouth Borough Council FAQs

Is there any bin collections today

Please use this link to check - Due to the bank holiday the bins are being collected a day later than normal. This is also on our website.

Do I have to go to the council office to get my name put on the rehousing list. I have underlying problems which life hard to climb a flight of stairs. I live in a private rental flat
Who cuts the grass in public parks
I am finding it impossible to get a reply from Gt Yarmouth borough Council. What do I do. I have emailed them and received an automated reply saying they would contact me within 5 days. This was on the 16th May and I have heard nothing.
What day do the bins get collected
Is the basketball court Marine Parade open?
Do I need permission to stand a skip outside the house on a piece of grass in St Hugh's Green?
when are bin collections in school road back
When is the next bin collection in NR31 7JZ?
Has great yarmouth council got a MOT testing station locai please??
What date is the brown bin collection day
Why are they clearing the ground on the empty block on Steam Mill Lane?
Seen a sign that says southtown road is closing for a month from 20th June.Anybody know if this is the whole road or what?
Best way to get rid of garden cuttings?
Is great Yarmouth a city or seaside town
The only public toilets in caister are to be closed for re-refurbishment for 17 weeks. Why does it take that long and how much are the company getting paid to do the job?
How I can rent a small land for vegetables growing. Thank you
Can I look up the location of a grave or cremation site by using the deceased's name? In other words, do you have a web site that allows the general public to put in a name and get a location of the grave or cremation site. Many Thanks.
How do i dispose of old tvs
Would anyone like a housing exchange, we have a large 3 bed house in Luton and are looking for a 2 bed bungalow in the Bradwell, Belton or Burgh Castle.
whens boxing day bins collected
I have recently moved how do I change my brown bin to my new address?
Who is the solicitor for GYBC
Hi I'm looking to get another black bin. But it says you can only apply if you have 5 residents or more but can I just pay for extra bin if I dont qualify for this?
Speed bumps needed on prince of wales road. Vehicles going 40mph and more. Going to kill someone one day.
When am o going to get a new kitchen put on at 8 Middlegate NR302RX
Can we have our street lights fixed? It's been broken for weeks now, have previously emailed but had no response. Kind regards Darren
What color bin is it this week?
Why are the toilets c losed at the coach park ? Stupid idea as males are simply making use of any wall, and females are queueing. up to use the disabled toilet as only accessable one As a holiday resort, relying on visitors , seems very shortsighted
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:58 am

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