Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Service Phone Number

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Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Service Email Address
Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Service Address


Charlton Road Andover Hampshire SP10 3LB

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Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust FAQs

Where is the C T scanning in Andover hospital.

Head around the back towards outpatients and minor injuries. There is a small car park on the corner. It is opposite this. Grey and blue building

How far is Andover hospital from the station?
Is a there a cafe? My appointment is at 1.00 and as I will have to travel by bus from Winchester, I won't have time to have a lunch snack at home.
Does the hospital have a coffee shop
Does Andover hospital have an eye department?
Is there disable parking at Andover Hospital?
What bus number to hospital from bus station.
Where is the parking at Andover Hospital?
Is the hearing clinic still running
Where is the Ct scanner at Andover hospital
Can you park on site
Is there a cafe in the hospital for visitors
Is the blood unit open on Saturday morning
Are there limited visiting times or can I come anytime?
Can you go to Andover minor injuries if you have kidney stone pain
Is the 'hub' open on Saturday for Charlton Hill Surgery Patients?
My daughter has just had a large cyst removed under arm leaving a deep wound. She had to wait at Salisbury walk in clinic today to get the dressing changed but no nurse is available over the weekend. Can she come to Andover instead?
What time does the x ray dept open
Where is the dental department?
Do I need to phone up first before bringing a shoe in for adjustment(raised heal)?My one is wearing out now
Got to book yet another blood test in 2 weeks to try to lower blood pressure think for kidneys.No mention of fasting from my doctor so is this normal like the last few?
When is the hearing clinic open again
Is this a walk-in medical centre for minor injuries?
Do you have an email that I can use? If not do you do work experience for year q0 students?
What are the Visiting hours please ?
Is the x ray department open on Saturday?
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:49 am

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