Herring House Trust

Herring House Trust Service Phone Number

Customer Service Number

Herring House Trust Service Address


Bauleah House 51 St. Nicholas Road Great Yarmouth NR30 1NR

Herring House Trust average review score


Herring House Trust recent reviews

write your review
James Mcauley 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

Friendly staff

Dave Williams 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

I use to live there

Jamie King 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

Saving lives and helping people through hardship

Herring House Trust FAQs

Do you need to be living in that area or have family there ?

I like to firstly apologise for that "no you don't" it was a very stupid thing to say. And I've being a user of the service that not as bad as everyone thinks tbh and properties are nice tbh

hi my nane is roy hartley i came down about a week ago and spoke to jo about a room just wonderd wot is the situation
Are there any room s avalabale please
Do u have to live in the area to get help am living on the street in yarmouth
Do you have to come from the area to get help
How do offer a homeless person a safe environment
Can you please help a good friend. He has severe mental health problems and is being evicted tomorrow?
My friend has just been kicked out of rhe family home with three young girl's is there anyone that could help him please
Where do you go if you are homeless with 2 children aged 10
I am scared of being made homeless. I have 2 children aged 10
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:58 am

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