London Borough of Lambeth

London Borough of Lambeth Service Phone Number

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London Borough of Lambeth Service Address


Town Hall Brixton Hill London SW2 1RW

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London Borough of Lambeth FAQs

Is there parking nearby?

Depending on how long you intend to be at Lambeth Town Hall for, there is a Tesco car park 5 minutes walk-away that allows 90 minutes free parking for customers.

Do they arrange marriage
How much does it cost for a original birth certificate
I presume we don't get paper parking permits any more is that correct?
Hi what apartment do I go to for rent charges at Brixton town hull
How can I replace a Key fobs
Is there a notary public at town hall
Is there any parking onsite or nearby?
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:58 am

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