National Employment Savings Trust

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National Employment Savings Trust FAQs

Want to opt out what do I do?

you need to send the request by post like we used to do last century.

I want to opt out pension .so what should I do?
Is difficult to login can I make an appointment..face to face?
Has Nest been certified by the Governments Actuary Department?
What is the minimum % contribution for employees and employers for the year 2020-2021
why can I not select a option when I phone nest, it just repeats and does nothing.
I sent in my birth certificate to nest as proof of i.d over a month ago with a covering letter when I wanted to stop my contributions. I am still waiting for nest to return it. How long will it take to get my birth certificate back?
I want to stop the penssion and to take me manual back...didactice is possible?
I keep trying to pay this month's schedule for Andrew Lawrence Entertainment ltd. But all I get is "site down " What is going on ? Please don' mail me about penalties for late payment.
Hello everyone, if I paid 3 years ,can I ask them to send me back the money?
I'm going on holiday next week and nest have asked for my passport as Id to cash my pension. Can I bring the document to their office in canary wharf?
when optingout of pension what address do i send my identification document ie. driving license to
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:59 am

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