North Devon Council

North Devon Council Service Phone Number

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North Devon Council Service Address


North Devon Council PO Box 379 Barnstaple EX32 2GR

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North Devon Council FAQs

are refuse bags still going to be supplied to residents in sunny bank barnstaple

Can you use a bus pass from another county here or do I have to renew for where I am now living .
who looks after gardening
Are black bags still supplied, if so when are they delivered please?
How do I get in touch wth the Adult Care department (Telephone number/extension).
What is happening to the Braunton Road on Wednesday 21st September?
Is there a collection point in Barnstaple for donations of clothes etc for Ukraine?
What is the Council's performance standard or target for acknowledging letters and emails? How long should it take to receive and acknowledgement?.
Hi, Can a Luton hired van be used to take recycling to your recycling Center Barnstaple ?
How much for 3small bags of rubble?
Are you open
I find it a complete waste of time and intrusive that you are demanding I complete a profile with personal details on it when all I want to do is re-direct a business rate demand! Is this Facebook? Ridiculous
I have lost my Blue Badge can you help please
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:58 am

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