Shoreline Housing Partnership Ltd

Shoreline Housing Partnership Ltd Service Phone Number

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Shoreline Housing Partnership Ltd Service Email Address
Shoreline Housing Partnership Ltd Service Address


Shoreline House, Westgate Park Charlton Street Grimsby DN31 1SQ

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Shoreline Housing Partnership Ltd FAQs

Do lhp deal with rodents

I'd imagine they would be able to point u in the right direction

When your parnter is doing a house swap with the same housing will they turn him down if i owe rent to them but am not on his tenancy
when are free weeks over xmas?
Who do I speak to about creating a mini car park at the back of walmgate place as ther is nowear for relatives to park ther cars"" we?have alot of wasted space wich is not needed wich keep getting fly tipping outside our door
How do I get registered with out going in to the office
Hi how do I sort out getting a flat please I have but don't know how to lock on please
How much do you have to pay deposit on a shoreline property
Do I get free rent if am on universal credit
Do you get 2 week's free rent at the end of the year
Who do you ring if you have leak in your upstaires toilet
Ice forgot my login refrence for my home choice site and no longer have my email adress how do I get on my site
When are the free rent weeks
How do i pay my rent now it has changed over
How many free rent weeks are they
Anyone know the email address of the housing officer for grimsby please
How do I find out how much I can buy my house for
Do lhp put new fences up
How I can Swap my property
Wat weeks free do u get pair yr ?
How do i register for the app please
Are there any bungalows for rental in Healing?
What should I do to get my shower repaired, can't get hold of anyone
Does anyone have a number for the housing officer in Grimsby please
Can I change my skirting boards in front room please
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:58 am

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