Bullying try to intimidate you do not care if you have mental health issues or your curcumstances.
Was payed over 3k for Counsil tax and bailiff officer take everything in his pocket scammers always ask for recipe
Worst experince I ever had. Instead of coming to my address, the enforcement officer went to my neighbour’s address.
Then after arranging a 3 installments plan for an amount of £700 in total, over …
There seems to be no way of contacting this company at all. I only recently found out I had a CCJ from them whilst trying to move my mortgage to a new property. I’ve a completely clean credit history for the last 10 years and this was the …
Doesn’t care about anything but the money will constantly bang on your door hounding you for payments and will either ignore your phone calls or not pay attention to anything your saying and just say “I’ll leave it in your hands”. …