Sunderland Eye Infirmary FAQs
What is the charge for cars
I am being referred for removal of a cataract by my optician. Have you any idea how long the waiting list is.
Mrs Val Anderson
Have they resumed cataract opp yet
How do I book am appointment
You need to be referred by your Gp or optician
When are cataract operation due to start back up at eye infirmary
I had a cataract done last week.
Can I self refer for private cataract surgery? The opticians have diagnosed it, but say it's not 'ripe' enough for NHS but it is affecting my vision.
You can have it done privately there, yes.
Can you have an eye test here I stead of eg spec savers or vision express,
Ah thanks for letting me know, I was just thinking they may do a better job than the others
Can you book an appointment or is it sir Ana wait
There is an a & e reception where you can report in and sit and wait .
Do you need an amontment
No just walk in. It's an A&E
Would i be able to go to the eye infirmary as i seem to be getting the conjunctivitis constantly and I'm really blurred tonight
You would have to phone up for an appointment
Is the parking free during this pandemic as it is at Durham and Darlington
First 20 minutes are free after that it's not free
How would I get to the eye infirmary from Sunderland metro?
Do I need an appointment
The A&E is for eye emergencies only.
Any free nearby parking facilities at Sunderland eye infirmary?
Is disable parking free
Yes. If it is your first time to park, there is a phone inside the hospital to register your vehicle.
Watery eye is not an emergency. A&E should only be used for emergency situation. You could wait up to 4hrs in the A&E if your condition is not deemed to be an emergency. GP are quite capable of dealinf with watery eyes.
I would like to book an appointment rather than walk in and wait is this an option?
You will need a referral from your GP to book an appointment. You can't book appointments in A&E
Can you park for 24 hours and what is the charge?
Parking in the hospital car park is expensive, you can continually top up via phone or internet. Signage is everywhere and fines for exceeding your ticket are high. However, it is possible to park for free on the road alongside the hospital. I would not recommend parking at the hospital for 24hrs.
Does the clinic offer lens replacement?
If you're talking intraocular surgery, then yes, as a private patient.
Are records available of laser surgery conducted by Mr Phelan in 1997 available .I need pre operatine corneal measurements as I need cataract surgery
If the records apply to yourself they may be available. Ring Sunderland Eye Hospital admin for info or, if you're not getting cataracts done at Sunderland ( they are very good) , your medical practitioners should be able to get your info on the NHS computer system.
When are cataract surgery procedures restarting?
Is there any job vacancy for international students I have experience in cleaner
Do they answer the phone at all
Who is A gobbet Sunderland eye hospital
What year ddSunderlands Eye infirmary in Alexandra Road open
Do you have a plan of the hospital indicating Outpatients A Dept
Malcolm Hind
wife has appointment with Mr Smith this PM lost time help
What bus can i get from sunderland metro station