Is the normal courts open this week as I am in court on the 14of jan
Court is open as usual during lockdown
How do I contact or get information about a person who has been in Ashton magistrate court today and has asked to get bail at my address and I have no information about what has happened
Call the court office tomorrow morning after 9.30 and speak to post court
Where is the best disabled parking near to the court?
There are two dedicated disabled parking spaces at the front and rear of the court
How far to aston court fom Ashton but station to magistrates court
Walking distance
Is there parking and how much is it?
Contacting these places so hard.
I can' get through to anyone via phone its all press this, press that & the other none of which relates to my -very general- query in respect of lost propery.
Why does NOBODY wants to talk on the phone anymore????