Warwick District Council

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Riverside House Milverton Hill Leamington Spa CV32 5HZ

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Warwick District Council FAQs

We are thinking of buying a house in Leaminton Spa but would want to build on an extension. Where can I find what rules apply and permissions needed?

You would need to contact Warwick district council and seek planning permission advice to find out if you would indeed need planning permission In some cases you dont need planning permission depending on the what's being built. But what you dont want to do is build without seeking advice and planning permission as if in fact you did need planning permission you could be forced to tear down what you built. If planning permission is needed in tou would need a building control surveyor to advice and guide you in what is required to comply with he building regulations to ensure your extension is safe and complies with fire regulations and other legislations. So call up Warwick district council and they should be able to guide you through what is needed.

Hi I have a wasps nest in my attic. Are you able to help or get me in touch with someone. Looking forward to hearing from you. Many thanks. Regards Kim
Where is the new build flats in the district
Where are the occupational therapists for bedworth based
Can you take a person's name of the tenancy without there knowledge
My neighbour is having a porch built ...seems very big should I have been consulted
When do i qualify for my bus pass im pension credits i am 65 born on 1954
because of theoff road parking in my road I cannot always get out of my gate on my mobility scooter. can I put lines on the pavement?
I want to claim council tax help as I am on a low Income.My rent has also changed as I have moved to another address. My Help with housing has been worked out but I am paying an amount of council Tax which I can not afford. please help
Is there any recycling today
how do i display my green bin permit
Why do you never answer your calls?
How much is replacement door entry fob
I really need to know who to ask about road safety, as crossing the road where I live is really dangerous especially for the Elderly, especially the disabled Thas we have to go onto the roads to see if any traffic is coming.. Please tell me who!!!
Are you emptying garden waste in B78 area this week?
how do i find my business rates ref no to fill in the grant form on line as i cannot find my bill
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:57 am

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