Very nice place to get excellent exercise like aquafit
Westbury Swimming Pool FAQs
Do you have free swim pass
for the summer we have an under 16 free swimming, all you need to do is take home a form and fill it in, then return it for free swimming over the holidays
do you do jet skiing lessons?
Not as far as I'm aware. Just swimming and pool related exercise.
Is there disabled parking?
There is no parking at the pool. You can park in Morrison's which is close by.
How much is it for 16+ to go swimming for an hour
What's the average temperature of the pool..
20 degrees
Hi what is the cost per class
Are you after swimming lessons or the keep fit classes . The info is online
Parking for westbury pool?
All of the Westbury car parks are only a couple of minutes wslk
How much does it cost to use the pool
I can never remember so l Google the pool and all the info comes up. But there is an offer at the moment and u can get a reduced rate for three months and no admin fee.
can I come and have a swim and how much will it cost. I am not a memeber
Can you get day passes here?
Is the lolly pop machine fixed.
What are the Friday afternoon sessions at Westbury swimming pool