Weston General Hospital FAQs
What are visiting times?
You can visit all day. From around 10am till 8 pm ish
When was the first patient admited
It opened in 1986 . My daughter was born there in March 87
How much is the car parking in the hospital
is there a aand e at weston
Is ae open at night
Not between 10pm and 8am currently
Can i have an MRI acan at Weston General Hospital.?
Is the hospital open for visiting?
Does Weston hospital have an a &e department ?
Is it a cancer specialist hospital
No it's a general hospital, but they do have an oncology department
Does weston general have a walk in clinic during covid
Yes an a and e, open til 10pm
What floor is the DCI unit on.
Day case unit is on the 2nd floor. Come to the main entrance go over the bridge to the lifts either side 2nd floor come out turn left and right down the end on the left.
Who to email about a complaint
Patients Liaison Service (pals) team. They helped me recently...
Where the parking facilities
Do they have a Dentistary Dept
What time is visiting
Depends on which ward.
Visiting hours are different for different wards.
Can three people visit at the same time?
Depends on the ward most will happily accomodate 3 people visiting :)
What buses connect the X5 route with Weston General Hospital
The 5 is the only one I know of that picks up outside the hospital and can take you to town
Did the hospital treat psychiatric patients
Why are some patients referral/history notes put into pink folders
If a death was not registered how can information of where the person was buried be obtained.
where is the untrasound dept
Does anyone know if the hearing aid clinic is open?
I'm waiting for a date for a tooth extraction will it still go ahead
Where is the Covid test centre at the old A&E
Hi what days are the hearing clinic operating please
What can I do if my child do if in pain with her side my daughter is called Alisha Tandy