Wiltshire council (Housing Association)

Wiltshire council (Housing Association) Service Phone Number

Customer Service Number

Wiltshire council (Housing Association) Service Email Address
Wiltshire council (Housing Association) Service Address


County Hall Bythesea Hall Trowbridge BA14 8JA

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Wiltshire council (Housing Association) FAQs

I've bid on everything suitable for ages and have never heard squat back. What does one need to do

There are so many people bidding and if they require a property they will be prioritised. It's a waiting game in all honesty you just have to keep bidding and wait

If i succesful in getting a place how long b 4 u let me no
why does it take so long to log on thursday mornings 45 mins tonight
How do you get a log in reference to register?
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:58 am

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