Do tennants get a rent free fortnight at Christmas ?
Hello, the rent collection free period/fortnight is 12/12/22 and 20/3/23. Hope this helps to answer your enquiry.
How does my daughter get on your housing for a one bedroom flat
Hi there. If you visit our website you will find lots of helpful information about housing choices. Kind regards Fiona Law, Marketing Manager
How does part buy part rent work
I'm going through this atm, you get a mortgage for the 50% and pay rent on the rest you can buy the remaining 50% after a year should you want by buying a minimum of 10% at a time, their shared ownership sales team are very helpful and will guide you through the process. Hope this helps you
How do I bid for a property
How soon can I get emerency housing for my son and grandson
When will there be properties to bid on
Do any one know where you can get part rent part buy.
TV no signal
No electricity at home
How can I register for waiting list for council house
Hi I'm wondering do I need to get permission to own another dog (shar pei ) I had to about 2years ago ,many thanks
how can I check if I am still on the list
Last updated
October 31st, 2023 at 10:50 am
Wyre Forest Sheltered Housing Limited Head Office Number