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Write a ReviewI heard today that Bristol is the most expensive place to live outside of London.Our city is fast becoming a absolute disgrace,dirty streets,weeds and graffiti every where.Let alone the pot holes and roads breaking up.Drain covers sinking …
I wish our local town hall looked like this. The fountain was kind of gross and full of rubbish one end and what was with the decorative traffic cone 😂 …
I oppose the so-called ‘Clean Air Zone’ you have put in place in Bristol, and I am speaking as an Environmental Science graduate who should theoretically be in favour of effective pollution-reduction schemes. This short-sighted ego project …
I have received clean air zone charge penalty on letter it says pay it in 14 days fine will be £ 60 which s paid had another letter 3 weeks later asking me pay another 229 pounds! phoned council many times reception was unhelpful transport …
Disgusting scam artists with their ‘fine’s’. Make it really unclear. When you pay, they still send letters saying you haven’t. If you are able to get through to them on the phones, they are so unhelpful and cannot be bothered. …
Bristol city council as well as the mayor Marvin Rees have no problem with discrimination against people with disabilities, and actively continue to discriminate against disabled people. Roads around Bristol also continue to be dangerous for the disabled but they don’t care about it.
I drove through the city not knowing about the new eco clean air zone. Which I completely support! I later received a letter in the post that arrived late thanks to the Postal strikes. …
Not allowing a little lenience on the new Clean Air Zone PCNs issued when residents make genuine errors is absolutely disgusting. As a resident and business owner in North Bristol, this scheme has really caused major inconvenience and …
Paid for day in Frog Lane using the RingGo app but still got a parking ticket. I now have a fine to pay along with the £30 I spent on day parking.
Paid the council tax always, and since 4 months my waste is not being collected, I contacted them many times and they explain that the issue was that I did not have bins, now I had been delivered bins (boxes) twice but still no collection. …
One of the worst roads i have driven on , wonder where all the money goes if bristol council cannot afford to fix the roads.
Bristol is turning into a green air zone from 28th November 2022. This needs to be updated on Google Maps, as people with vehicles of a certain age will now be changed £9 minimum a day to travel in and around Bristol.
Finally I’m forced to speak out about the ABYSMAL Bristol City council ( small c ). mayor ( small m ) you’re a token gesture. Increases in council tax for reduced services, a token cycle lane, USELESS, public transport many times not fit …
One of the most impressive Government buildings I’ve seen.
I remember many years going in now at this building but I’m not impressed with how lack they are helping disabled adults and the amount of services that are lose dead funding over the years and this there could be more being done for disabled adults but I remember many years
Received a parking fine in an area that I have parked in for years. Did not contain any yellow lines or was not remotely signposted to suggest parking was not permitted. I appealed the charge and did not receive a response for over 101 days …
Great place of work
Tried to challenge unfair bus lane fines (the bus lane that was so poorly signposted it made the news, and they haven’t yet improved the signs). Awful communication, generic impersonal reponses after having not actually read my complaint, …
“You are 1st in line in the queue, your expected wait time is 45 minutes”
Nice building but the most attractive thing is the college green which is a beautiful place to rest and enjoy occasional sunny weather
Frustrated beyond belief – been trying all morning to speak to someone in the Council Tax Department – each time I have been on hold for over 45 mins. All I want to do is talk to a person – the automated services are horrendous – I want to …
A beautiful area of Bristol with terrific views of some of the nicest buildings in Britain, a lovely place to sit! unfortunately let down by litter in the water, at least it makes a drinking pond for seagulls! come on council get a grip letting this beautiful city down!
BCC. You should really be ashamed. Parking charges on meters till midnight …
20mph zones where there’s no real need for it.
If you want to encourage visitors to Bristol make it visitor friendly don’t rip people off at every chance …
A council that prides itself on discriminating against people with disabilities.
Poorly organised and refuse to admit any fault. The man I spoke to, Keith, was absolutely not interested in listening to anything I said. Have no idea what he’s doing there as he seems to loath interaction with people calling up. I know …
I have tried to contact the Council Tax Department (1/9/14) and this automated process must be the worst I have ever encountered. This is JUST NOT A CUSTOMER SERVICE under any guise. You cannot expect that people spend their lives on a …
Nice place to see the cathedral.
Two bus lane fines on my first visit to Bristol. Great way to attract tourists! Thanks
Sneaky move changing the parking meter times without notifying the residents. I’m glad I don’t pay council tax to you crooks.
this council is VERY inefficient and slow.
Once a fine city. Now a filthy dump. Litter, weeds and graffiti everywhere.
I called to make a council tax enquiry and Wendy on reception was very helpful and efficient. She put me through to Natasha who was also very helpful and resolved my query.
Clean Air Zone criteria is an absolute farce
The garden in front of the City Hall is a good place to lie down and rest. There you can see not only the City Hall, if not also the Cathedral and the Library.
The good play school when I do the youth parliament are we always to meet that is a very good place it does sentence into anything I know everytime I need to talk to someone it’s always there
They never take you serious
I just phoned to try and get hold of equality because I’m getting a swimming eat against around Bristol with my disability so I want to try and read it with the City Council but not very helpful I’m getting a swimming eating against because …
Website unavailable when needing to look up how to stop a business failing by seeing the eligibility for a government grant. Great. Thanks. Useless.
Phone was consently engaged and the staff are clueless, no one communicates with each other and there council tax system is totally floored absolutely rubbish
The city hall and the garden are very nice to have a break between lectures for eating.
Rather pleasant experience to lose the ol’ virginity on the green with a fantastic view of the erection of the city hall
Nice building
I am really interested in meeting with Bristol city council and I like to get involved
big up the london riots, everday bro like that disney channel flow
Beautiful designed structure
a local government office or local city council, very beautiful place
tinnies on the green was a pleasant experience with the fellus
Architecturally it is a beautiful building.
Thanks for your assistance during these difficult times.
Nice building outside
What a fantastic building
Nice view 😱 …
I work here
clueless bunch