Bassetlaw District council (Housing Association)

Bassetlaw District council (Housing Association) Service Phone Number

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Bassetlaw District council (Housing Association) Service Email Address
Bassetlaw District council (Housing Association) Service Address


Queen`s Buildings Potter Street Worksop S80 2AH

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Bassetlaw District council (Housing Association) FAQs

How many cars are allowed in front of the house,

There in no parking at the front of the building but lots once you get through the gate

Has the markets in worksop and reftord been cancelled today Because of the wind and rain.
How do I get in touch with the council regarding my brown bin. I have tried switchboard but I got cut off again
Anyone know the contact details for emergency bell installation please
How do I apply for a grant towards having cladding on the outside of my property. Are there any other grants to help through winter months. I own my my house and am 78 yrs of age now.
Are the bin men on strike nobody has been to Eskdale Drive worksop
Who do you have to contact about big rat's
I notice that your groundsmen have been diligently mowing all the grass areas around Gateford this week. Have you not heard of NO MOW MAY? All the wild flowers which provide food for insects have been removed. Shame on you!
Are council tennents allowed to kerp any sort of livestock excluding a domestic pet in acouncil property.?
Can I apply now for a bungalow I'm 60 in august
How old is Harworth Comrades of the Great War club
What colour bin is it for Shrewsbury road
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:58 am

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