Cherwell District council (Housing Association)

Cherwell District council (Housing Association) Service Phone Number

Customer Service Number

Cherwell District council (Housing Association) Service Email Address
Cherwell District council (Housing Association) Service Address


Bodicote House Bodicote Banbury OX15 4AA

Cherwell District council (Housing Association) average review score


Cherwell District council (Housing Association) recent reviews

write your review
lee donovan 1 year ago on Google
( 1 out of 5 )


D Walker 1 year ago on Google
( 4 out of 5 )


( 2 out of 5 )

Very slow to do there job.

Cherwell District council (Housing Association) FAQs

Who takes the bookings for Cooper School Bicester to use the Halls after school please I need to speak to them. regarding a possible spam? post

Hi Jeanne, thanks for your question. We take the after school bookings at Cooper School. See here for more info and contact details Thanks, CDC

Can I get a new water tub from you
Is it possible you could send me a houseingcapplication form,my present address is 3 chadfield road blackpool ,fy1 5ns thank you
How can I contact council when the phones not been opened, should of been able to call from 8.45 and it's now 9.11 and it's saying the offices are closed?
Do C D C sell bags of compost?
Just letting you know that there is a lot of cannabis smoking going in hallway as going up stairs. Not good for my health. I can't even have my windows open in nice weather as I live over the bins doors. I get the smell! Not good.
Had the Council got the Hardship Fund for this year?
Hi, does anyone know when the brown bins are being taken away from homes that do not want/need them, supposed to be June?
I need to know please where s the cars that I need to know where cars that seem abandoned are taken once they are taken off the streets
What is the age you need to be to apply for a bus pass?
What bin or bins is it this week
Hi Where should I go if I'm applying for tax reductions
Where should I go if I'm applying for tax reductions
Entry forms classic Monte Carlo entry forms
Do i have to be in a sanctury house for a certain time before i can ask for an exchange?
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:58 am

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