Cheshunt Community Hospital FAQs
Are there X-ray facilities?
Hi is the exray unit open on good Friday
Good evening. Have you got a service for blood test on Saturdays and what time please?
Thank you.
No its monday to friday only
Start at 8am
Finish at 3pm or 3.30pm but may stop giving tickets out before then if there are a lot of people waiting
Do you carry out blood tests for patients of Park Lane surgery, Broxbourne?
Interesting. Since I posted the question the receptionist at Park Lane told me the answer is no.
There also appears to be confusion as to whether forms are needed in general. There appears to be several systems, and they do not appear to be joined up.
Is there xrsy facilities on sundays
Do I need an appointment for an x-ray
I managed to get an x-ray as a walk in patient last weekend (oct 2020)
Are they still doing blood tests?
Yes by appointment only though.
Is the walking blood tests,still running?
Are there maternity care?
I don't think so. For that sort of thing you will need to attend main hospitals.
What's the parking like there. Is it free to park if not. what's the rates please
Is parking free if not how much please.
I have been advised by Barnet hospital that I can come to this walk in to have a packed dressing changed, I need this done daily. Would that be possible ?
I don't think they will do that, unless you have an appointment arranged by your GP/Hospital e. g. an ulcer clinic
Can you walk in for blood tests
Yes if you have a Barnet and chase farm blood form. 8-4pm.
You can also call after 10am to reserve an appointment slot for later in the day.
They should be, because Stanhope clinic is closing for 6months due to building work being carried out.
Is the x-ray department open as it had been shut for awhile
Yes the iutside one gone and xray was open when I was there thursday
What bus can I take from Enfield to the hospital please
From Waltham cross bus station take 310 cheshunt and drop round about. Then walk back to king Arthur court .The hospital is on the right
Can I walk in for an xray
Yes through the minor injuries unit.
What day is it open for blood test.
Has the x-ray machine been fixed?
Yes it's inside now in its original place
Is it appointments for blood tests or walk in
Can you have a blood test at cheshunt hospital ln bank holidays
Thank you for the information
Do you treat osteo arthritis?
Hi do you guys accept children blood tests age 6
Can I get a blood test Sunday at the cheshunt Community Centre
Hi I would like to have blood test for my daughter who is 13 years old as soon as possible please
Hi is exray open on good.gtidsy
Do they do nhs blood tests
Can I get hearing aid batteries
Can I obtain my hearing aid batteries from Cheshunt Cimmunity Hospital ?
Do you need make an appointment