Coastline Housing Limited FAQs
We want to relocate to Cornwall as I work from home. We currently have a housing association house in Dunstable Bedfordshire. How do we go about this and how does it work please?
Hello Lisa, all Coastline homes are advertised on Cornwall Council's HomeChoice website at They operate a "bidding" system, so it's best to join the site as soon as you can because it may take a few weeks for your registration to be approved. It might be worthwhile also looking for a swap. Many of our customer join to look for a match.
Do you do a handyman service we need a carpenter
Hello Kenneth, we can usually offer customers our Handyline service, but at the moment we are unable to do so because of workload pressures caused by coronavirus.
Is Coastline still in Wheal Rose estate,Porthleven.Urgent,please
They've got a 24hour number if that's any help? Not sure off the top off my head but go on their website...hope that helps
Is the cladding on coastline properties, fitted by the mark group, fire resistant? Yes or no answer please.
Yes, the cladding is phenolic foam board, which is used where self-extinguishing and low smoke material is required.
Can coastline help a single mum and 3 children who need a place locally to live due to her children going to school in the area and cannot be moved again.
Hello Rachel, you are very welcome to apply for a home with us. We advertise our homes on two websites - HomeHunt, where for Cornwall you will see only Coastline properties, and Cornwall HomeChoice which features all social landlords in the county. Both sites are free to join. You can find more details and links to them at
Why do you keep calling me David SadLet? It's SADLER !
Hello David, please contact us on 01209 200200 to we can look into this for you. We can't answer this online.
If you can't spell my name how do you expect to be of any use ?
Your computer came up with the name SadLet
I assure you I am no relation to ET. ,
I was trying to ask if I am alone in being refused access to Homehunt.
Hello David, please contact our Customer Access Team on 01209 200200.
My two bedroom home is overcrowded with a pregnant 21 year old and a 25 year old and my 23 year old what can I do. No is helping
Hello Linda, social housing in Cornwall is advertised on two websites - HomeHunt, where for Cornwall you will see only Coastline properties, and Cornwall HomeChoice which features all social landlords in the county. Both sites are free to join. You can find more details and links to them at
Is it ok to have a lodger
Email them and they will be able to let you know.
Who is the director of this company
Hello Sharon, our directors are listed on our website
Do they deal with 106 property
Hello Lindsey, many of our homes have section 106 applied to them.
Does the rental year start from January or April
No, it runs from when you sign up.
I no longer claim child tax credits for my son what do I do.
Are they coming to do my walk in shower on Monday please
Is it OK to put a cavan in a carpark of cost line House
Is my husband still the tenancy
Which side of property are you responsible for fencing
Why have you not passed our letters to Homechoice, as promised on our personal visit we are led to believe that we should use them to bid with and submitted our evidence and all necessary papers through. You. We now have to start over.
Is it ok to have a lodger im in a 2 bedroomed f
can you park a motorhome belonging to a family member who is not a resident at the property
Can you park a caravan up in the car park
I'm off sick from work who do I need to contact ...