Endeavour Housing Association Limited

Endeavour Housing Association Limited Service Phone Number

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Endeavour Housing Association Limited Service Email Address
Endeavour Housing Association Limited Service Address


Endeavour House St Mark's Court Thornaby TS17 6QN

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Endeavour Housing Association Limited FAQs

Do you have to pay a deposit and bond before renting a property from North Star?

Nope. RSL are no bond or deposits

Can I pay my rent to north star housing at Thornaby pavilion
Hi my daughter is looking for a 2 bed bungalow do you have any available?
Are you allowed a property if you have pet geese so they'd be in your garden?
Can you tell me do North star own the roads were they build their houses
Can you have a double plug socket fitted in the kitchen from the council
hi im currently living in one of your properties for 8 years if i wanted to buy it would i get any discounts on it?
How much notice do you have to give to end a tenancy
Would it be to early to ask if i could rent a bungalow in hartlepool new build Caroline st when ready due to health reasons we have to move in a bungalow we are with thirteen but but nothing available
How long please does it roughly take to allocate a property thanks
Do they use privately owned houses
If you and your wife are going to separate and it's unbearable to stay under the same roof can I apply for a housing accommodation and will I have to honor a waiting list.
How can I swap my three bedroom to double bedroom?
Can I put a fence Around my front garden
Can I buy a property through Northstar
How long is it before you get offered a place. I've seen a bungerlow and asked about it but they've not got back to me.
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:58 am

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