Wrexham County Borough Council FAQs
can i apply for a bath to be takeing out and shower put in council house .ilive in old people bunglow i am 80years old. thanking you ray
Hello Ray, please contact your local estate office who will be able to discuss this with you.
Thanks, R
a wooden fence between a council property and a private property, who's responsible for the fence?
Hello Mr Martin,
The first place to check is with the Local estate office, as they are responsible for the Council housing stock and would be able to confirm.
Regards, R
Can I get any help applying for a blue badge
Hello Mr Reeves,
The following page may help: https://www.wrexham.gov.uk/service/adult-social-care/blue-badge-scheme
Family or friends are able to submit an online application on your behalf if they are not able to help you in person.
If you do not have the support of a relative or friend you can contact our published transport number 01978 298996.
Regards, R
how do i dispose of an expired blue badge when my new one arrives
Hello Karen,
Expired badges can be returned to Contact Wrexham, 16 Lord Street, Wrexham, LL11 1LG.
Thanks, R
I want to put my hubby on my tenancy but couldn't as I've had my late husband on it, but heard its all changing now so am I able to put him on now please
Hello Michelle,
You will need to contact your local housing estate office, and they can talk you through the process.
You phone email send letters to stil no reply. Apparently its because they are short staffed however this has been going on for over 2 years why dont they employ more staff to slove the problem
Hello Amber,
Sorry to read that you are not receiving replies to your enquiries. If there is an ongoing issue with a service, you may wish to consider contacting the complaints team www.wrexham.gov.uk/complaints where you will find a form where you can provide details of things that are not working.
Kind regards, R
Hello Mr Ashley, I apologise for the difficulty you have experiened in getting through to someone. All the latest information is published on our website: https://www.wrexham.gov.uk/service/cost-living-support-payment
If you have not automatically received your payment, you should shortly be receiving a letter explaining how to ensure you receive the payment.
Kind regards, R
Hi, I now wear hearing aids. Can I apply for a disabled blue badge?
Hello Wendy,
Wearing hearing aids does not make you qualify for a blue badge. Full details of the criteria are available on the GOV.WALES website: https://gov.wales/blue-badges-eligibility-html
Kind regards, R
What doctors are moving to Brymbo surgery?
Hello Stuart,
I am afraid that this is something you will need to ask Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board https://bcuhb.nhs.wales/
Sorry that we cannot help.
Regards, R
Is it ok to take a fridge freezer to the tip?
hi when do we get free weeks ,thanks ray
Hello Ray, please contact your local estate office who will be able to tell you.
Thanks, R
I have been trying to renew my Blue Badge since June but whenever I have managed to get through on the telephone which is very RARE I am told that someone will get back to me. Cannot make an appointment as I keep getting cut off. What can I do now??
You have to do it online now , on the government website, the council don't so them locally now
Is the Council Contact centre in Lord Street open to renew Blue Badges please.
Hello Glenys,
Yes, but it is by appointment only
Blue Badges: 01978 292066
Thanks, R
Hello Gwyn,
I have logged this via our MyAccount website. It will be inspected in the next 5 days. You can always report this sort of thing your self via: https://myaccount.wrexham.gov.uk/en/service/Street_cleaning_report
Regards, R
What can a council tenant change in their home without consulting the council for permission?
There is information on the website which answers this: https://www.wrexham.gov.uk/service/conditions-tenancy/repairs-improvements-and-alterations-your-home
If you need any further clarification, please contact your local housing estate office
Thanks, R
Are recycling centres now open in accordance with your website
Is Wrexham in Flintshire?
Hello Alam, No, Wrexham is in Wrexham County Borough. Thanks, R
When will the council reinstate the large/bulk item removal service ?? Thankyou.
Hello Susan,
The decision when to restart the service, has been not been made yet. There will be communications on our website, social media and the press once that decision has made.
Kind regards, R
How do I pay for my bin
I too am trying to do this with no success, it's a nightmare !
Does anyone know who was successful in representing Gwersyllt north ward in yesterday's election?
is the council office open in the stwt
how do i find Mark Pritchards email address
Could move from doncaster to Wrexham i was born in Wales and really want to move back were I was born but I need a 2 bedroom bungalow has I have children who need to visit thankyou hope you can
What time does the skip open on Saturday
Where and how do you claim for the unpaid carer's bonus
Are the weeks commencing 21 & 28 of march the rent free weeks ?
how long do I have to wait to see if I'm entitled for blue badge
how long do I wait to hear about my blue badge
We are three sisters wanting to put a stone on our parents grave, do the deeds have to be in one sisters name?
If on local lock down can I still on on holiday abroad