Epping Forest District council (Housing Association) FAQs
Do you need permission from the EFDC to cut down a tree in your garden of you are a council tenant?
Is it true that if u turn 50 u can get a flat from the council
Are you mad!?
How do I claim for damages to a wheel and tyre damaged due to hitting a pot hole on Station Way Buckhurst Hill on the 30th January 2023
You need to report this to Essex county council as they are responsible for the highways.
We have a water leak in our road. Thames water came to investigate and are happy that it is not there problem but they have told us to contact you
You should probably call EFDC - this is a review site
Where do I get recycling bags front from I new to a residential
If you pop into the civic offices and ask at the reception desk. They will hand some out to you.
How do I report defective street lighting?
Go to Essex county Council website and then choose Highways, you should find a place on their page to report it. There is also an app you can get from EFDC to report lots of things including Street lighting.
Not collecting household and garden rubbish causes toxic fumes so therefore with no bin collections it is not good for the environment I think be should getting a council tax rebaye
Please would you indicate when our recycling will be collected. As the last collection was before Christmas the volume is mounting up. Thank you. CM17 0NY
Our green bin has not been emptied this is my seventh week I think it is disgusting !
Are commercial lorries allow to park in residential areas.
Does Epping DC have a 24-hour contact number in case of emergencies?
Where can i get some plastic bags for the recycling from?
how much is an annual car park ticket in the Pleasance car park in Ongar?
Does the council buy back houses
How far should a hormbream be planted from land border
Last updated
October 31st, 2023 at 10:58 am
Epping Forest District council (Housing Association) Head Office Number