Glenfield Hospital FAQs
How much is it to rent a relatives room per night
How much does it cost to rent a relatives room per night
What are visiting hours
Ring the switchboard on 03003031573 and ask them, different wards have different visiting times.
Where about in the hospital is the relative rooms when you stay
How much are they to rent please
Car park charges?
Sorry can't help has l usemy disability badge
Does Glenfield have a phlebotomy dept
All 3 hospitals have a phlebotomy department.
My husband has an appointment at the General hospital, if we park at Glenfield, is there a feeder bus to take us to the General
Please, we are not very familiar with Leicester
Their is a charge at both places. Google maps will take you straight there. They have free disabled parking, this is extended to the carparks.
My son catches the hospital hopper often.
Where is the covid jab happening side or main entrance
Its been done in the restaurant so come to main entrance
Hi is there a walking in COVID jab there tomorrow please
Yes, Sunday 28th November, Glenfield Hospital, Groby Rd, Leicester LE3 9QP. 10am-1pm, Age 18+ 1st, 2nd, 3rd or booster dose.
Where is ward 25e please
Sorry dont know but reception and staff very helpful parking right outside hospital it old but easy to move around
Can you rent a room at glenfield stay with the patient
Where is the blood works depend
If you need a blood test you need to go to the blood room which is situated near cardiac investigations in clinics go to main reception and they can guide you.
Is there a free car park for patients with appointments?
So sorry no free parking only for disability badge
What is the parking situation like?
Hi. There are plenty of parking but it can get quite full. Its all outside on level ground. They do charge an amount. If you hold a blue badge, parking is free and if the disabled bays are all full, you can park in any bay free but you need to display a blue badge. Hope this helps. NO COST
Any idea of time scale from diagnosis of percutaneous valve replacement to surgery please?
How much is parking during the day?
Start at a pound for an hour, but parking is free in all car parks for Blue badge holders. ??
Which department for c t scan
How much is the parking after 6pm
what is tel no of physiotherapy dept
Ring the switchboard on 03003031573 and ask for the department, include the name of hospital as it is a centralised switchboard.
What are the visiting hours for today Saturday the 19th
Wheres the east side of the hospital
As soon as you come into the hospital from the round about. It will be on your left before you get to main entrance. Hope that helped
Is there a laundry service for patients ? My mum has just had open heart surgery i am in Australia and will get to uk next week to care for her but right now she is alone and says she has run out of clean clothes.
What is phone number for glenfield chronic cough clinic?
Bus time to glenfield hospital 1oclock
Where is the fe building at glen field hospital?
Which ward is the vanguard surgical unit at Leicester Glenfield Hospital
How long is the waiting time for ablation
Where do enquire about renting accommodation and does anyone know roughly how much per night .Thank you.
how long is the waiting list formitral valve surgery once i have been referred to you.
Where is the nuclear centre in glenfield hospital
What are the visiting times for bradgate unit??