Honiton Hospital

Honiton Hospital Service Phone Number

Customer Service Number

Honiton Hospital Service Address


Marlpits Road Honiton Devon EX14 2DE

Honiton Hospital average review score


Honiton Hospital recent reviews

write your review
Lucie Chugg 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

Best hospital ever

tim moore 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

Happy friendly hospital with great staff

Mark Williams 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

Really helpful, professional and very quick help for our son. Thank you.

Honiton Hospital FAQs

How much is parking

Free, if you are using the hospital. You could be clamped if you leave your car there all day!

Is there a pharmacy at the hospital
Quick question do you need to see your own gp to see if they can acquire to send someone to wear there adult pads due to they can't control there bladder at home?
Is there still a dental clinic within the hospital?
Is there an emergency 24 hour doctor? My mum urgently needs to be seen. It cant wait over night
If you have someone in alot of shoulder pain can they be seen at honiton hospital instead of driving to exeter
Is the a and e open on a Sunday?
Is it possible to get an X-ray at Honiton Hospital for a suspected cracked rib(s) and when could I attend?
Do they do a walk in service to see a doctor?
How much is parking at the hospital
My son has excruciating back pain, in agony for the last 7 days, cannot sleep - is there anything he can take other than paracetamol and ibuprofen. He is quite desperate.
How do I make a complaint about treatment?
I prefer to ask the NHS not my gp because I am nervous asking my male gp and I got bit of a problem with my age and bladder just asking can I get incontinence from NHS since I have started wearing them again thanks?
Hi I got bit of a problem with my age and bladder just asking can I get incontinence from NHS since I have started wearing them again thanks?
How can I become incontinence at the hospital instead of seeing a gp?
i got your listing on an emergency dental site, do you do emergency extractions?
How much is parking
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:49 am

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