Lewes Victoria Hospital

Lewes Victoria Hospital Service Phone Number

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Lewes Victoria Hospital Service Address


Nevill Road Lewes East Sussex BN7 1PE

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Lewes Victoria Hospital FAQs

Can I come anytime

The gardening department.

Is there parking
Is there an Opthalmologist service available in the hospital
can I come anytime
Where is drive through for blood taking
Is there an a and e in Lewes Victoria hospital
Is it open Easter Sunday
Is there a cafeteria at the hospital?
Is the car park liable to be full at midday please
grandson from Norfolk needs an inhaler, which he has left at home, can you help him to get one
Do i have to phone first
Is the X.Ray dept open today?
What are new year's eve and day opening hours
Are walk-in blood tests available here?
Can the minor injuries department prescribe antibiotics?
Is there a cafeteria at the hospital?
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:57 am

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