Medway Maritime Hospital

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Windmill Road Gillingham Kent ME7 5NY

Medway Maritime Hospital average review score


Medway Maritime Hospital recent reviews

write your review
Katrina 3 months ago on 1023
( 1 out of 5 )

Horrible Experience at Medway Maritime Hospital. I am utterly frustrated and disappointed with the care my husband received at Medway Maritime Hospital in Gillingham. For an entire week, my husband was left without the necessary medical attention and diagnostic tests, including ultrasound and CT scans, despite his critical condition. He was forced to sit in the waiting area for countless hours without any updates or progress on his case.

His situation is life-threatening, and yet, there was no urgency or compassion shown by the staff. The lack of communication and failure to provide essential medical care is absolutely unacceptable. The hospital’s neglect has only worsened his condition, and we are now seriously concerned about the long-term consequences of this delay.

This experience has been a nightmare, and I would not recommend this hospital to anyone who is in need of proper and timely medical care.

Valerie Steele 1 year ago on Google
( 1 out of 5 )

Rude woman saw me in a and e didn’t know who she was and referred to me as it and she … Absolutely disgusting

Talal Gous 1 year ago on Google
( 3 out of 5 )

Worst hospital ever if you are pregnant. They will keep wasting your time and make excuses until they have a bed available for you in the delivery room . Doctors can’t give you any specific time for any surgery and they keep postponing the …

Medway Maritime Hospital FAQs

when is the visiting hours?

Most wards are 14:30 - 17:30 & 18:30 - 20:30

What are the Visiting times for the high dependency unit in the Bronte ward
My daughter has an appointment next week in outpatients, may l accompany her?
My xray form is a month old because I have not been able to get there as I've been turned away before as form wasn't correct I need to know if they will do xray or not
Hi my eye is swollen.I know how to find the hospital but can someone direct me to some doctor working there to check it out?
Can you park with a blue badge
Brown zone ward
is there any morning visiting hours
What. Times are generAl walk-in x-ray. Have got form from go. Is it 7 days a week
Does anybody ever get through to Lister Ward, as they never seem to answer the phone?
Why does the restaurant not accept 20 pound notes lots of people in same dilemma
I want to say thank you
Where about is peremeter road
I have poor English, can the hospital provide an interpreter for the appointment?
Where a-bouts is the maternity ward?
Where is the MRI scanner located please
What are the visiting times for will adams ward Medway
How often do they have mdm meeting's
Is the parking free for motorcycles?
is there off sit road parking avalibllity at medway
Hi do they have a lost property department
Does the site doing the knee scan?and how much costs? thanks Giovanni Amendolara
How do l find out which ward my wife is in?
if my 7 week's child feeling bad can I.vime to see a doctor or he will be diagnosed straight with covid 19.
What does everyone think of the fetal medicine unit where you have your 11-13 week scan I have my scan on the ninth any help would be very appreciated
In a+e dept are people allowed in with patient as before it was only the patient
I've got my covid jab here on Friday, but it doesn't tell me where to go. Anyone have any ideas. Thank you
I have an appointment for my covid injection on the 10th of March, but they want ID, i don't have any id such as passport or driving licence, what do i do when i go for the injection?
Where is the COVID vaccination place in med hospital where is it near
Can I still stay on as an outpatient even though I've moved to new romney?
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:57 am

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