New Selby War Memorial Hospital

New Selby War Memorial Hospital Service Phone Number

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New Selby War Memorial Hospital Service Address


Doncaster Road Selby North Yorkshire YO8 9BX

New Selby War Memorial Hospital average review score


New Selby War Memorial Hospital recent reviews

write your review
Lucas K. 1 year ago on Google
( 3 out of 5 )

The facility is large and in my opinion should be open 24/7. Or at least a doctor should be on duty 24/7. This is what this town definitely lacks. In case of an emergency, you have nowhere to go. All you have to do is call an ambulance. Which one can arrive at the moment hmmm, who knows for how much…

magdalena madzia 1 year ago on Google
( 1 out of 5 )

You have to wait too long for an appointment (I waited with a sick child 1.5). If you have a fever and cough, you have to sit in the car and wait for the phone call. (I had that too) And as long as you don’t call, you go to remin …

Stephen Kennedy 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

Nice staff

New Selby War Memorial Hospital FAQs

What is the phone number of the ward at Selby War Memorial Hospital

Sorry do not know

where is this hospital in Selby?
Is it open Saturday
does selby hospital have an emergancy department
Does anyone know if they are any physio that can help a ex veteran that has had a tumour removed from his spine walk again.He did get help from the nhs but that has since stopped any help or offer much appreciated
whereabouts is the Gynaecology Department?
Can they treat burns
How can I get hearing loop in my home.
Can I get an emergency X-ray at Selby War Memorial Hospital on Saturday
what are visitiunh hours in the ward?
Do you need to make an appointment for minor injuries or can you just walk in?
A phone number that someone answers would be good. How do do we get in touch, ie about a relative who is a patient?
Physiotherapy Selby hospital
How can I contact Selby hospital as I am deaf, Has anyone got a text number please thank you
Do they do pregnancy scans
how do i get in touch with MSK dept to query app at selby hospital when already seen physio at Tadcaster
Why is someone yelling "hello" loudly every day for the past 2 weeks? Can you please sedate this person as they are annoying? It's even happening at 2:30 am some nights.
Can I walk in and get help with a medical issue
Can you please see visitors to the area with catheter issues
are you open new years day
Can I contact Selby hospital by email?
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:57 am

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