Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust FAQs
How do I get to the plastic surgeon unit
Please look on the NHS City Hispital website - where there are maps of the different units and corridors....
How do I get to the Edwards pre op unit
Go to the NHS website for City Hospital, and it will tell you on there - there are maps..
How do I get to the pharmacy and what time does it close
It is called trust pharmacy and opens 9am till 12am you go through main entrance out patients dept go towards the clincs turn right padt theatre admissions walk down the cortidor take first right past cafe and toilets turn left trust pharmacy is on your right near childrens oncology
Who is responsible for the horrendous state of the Yellow Car Park at the City Hospital?? How DARE they charge the amount they do....... where does this money go???
They obviously have to get revenue from somewhere - being as the tory government are starving them of funds, when there is now NO reason for it..... You must go to the top boss and complain about it - if you're not happy.... The chief executive is the person you need to complain to.... The answer is within your own power - in the way you VOTE at elections, dont vote Tory, then expect there to be money for public services - they (tories) want to get rid of all public services.....
How to get to anti natal class
Sorry, iam afraid i dint know anti- natal at the city....
I am looking for a nurse job; do you have an opportunity?
sorry I do not have that information
Do we need to pay for the services offered in Nottingham City Hospital? I have NHS number.
Is it common to have a pre op check a few days before an angiogram?
I would ring them they will have more information
Can you operate mobility scooter in city hospital
How do I get to the tia clinic/ Which entrance do I go to?
Are wheelchairs available at entrances for use during appointment
Yes, but i think they are sometimes chained up, and you have to have a token/ pound coin?? To release them, much like a shopping trolley....
Just wondering how much it is to rent a tv?
My mum is coming in tomorrow and im not sure how long shes going to be in?
Not too sure about that sorry..., Please do access the NUH Trust website it may have the info you need on it.....
How do i vet to urology centre north corrider
There is a map on the NUH City Hospital website showing the location of all the wards.
How do i get to loxley ward
Look on the NHS City Hospital website, where there are coloured maps of wards, and corridors....
How do I get to oxton ward
Go to the NHS website, for city hospital, it will show you....
How do i make a complaint?
By letter to chief executive of the City Hospital.... Or PALS service....
is there a a&e at Nottingham city
is there wifi available
Yes. ..More importantly. Yhere are Doctors and Nurses. .
Whereabouts is the pharmacy at the City Hospital?
No idea. I had to have PETT Scans for Cancer. No need to go to pharmacy...
Sign posts in and out of hospital Giving Excellent Information...There's also information Desk......
What is recovery city- clinical support ward
What is the phone number for pations2 ward
Do they provide Phlebotomy training
How do I go about finding out for a friend the time she was born, in 1950. She has Registration papers of her birth.
Thank you !
Could I send my son who is in hospital at the moment a parcel with books head phones and is watch has I can't travel and with no vistors aloud thanks Karen
I want to ask the question who is Jennifer crown and she is surgery doctor in Nottingham
Does the baby unit need hats for prem babies
I have knit some prem baby hats to donate to the hospital where do I take them, and should I wash them first? (It's brand new yarn)