Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust

Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust Service Phone Number

Customer Service Number

Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust Service Address


Heanor Road Ilkeston Derbyshire DE7 8LN

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Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust FAQs

Can I get a chaperone

Yes you can

How do I get to the plastic surgeon unit
How do I get to the Edwards pre op unit
How do I get to the pharmacy and what time does it close
Who is responsible for the horrendous state of the Yellow Car Park at the City Hospital?? How DARE they charge the amount they do....... where does this money go??? #UNACCEPTABLE.
How to get to anti natal class
I am looking for a nurse job; do you have an opportunity?
Do we need to pay for the services offered in Nottingham City Hospital? I have NHS number.
Is it common to have a pre op check a few days before an angiogram?
Can you operate mobility scooter in city hospital
How do I get to the tia clinic/ Which entrance do I go to?
Are wheelchairs available at entrances for use during appointment
Just wondering how much it is to rent a tv? My mum is coming in tomorrow and im not sure how long shes going to be in?
How do i vet to urology centre north corrider
How do i get to loxley ward
How do I get to oxton ward
How do i make a complaint?
is there a a&e at Nottingham city
is there wifi available
Whereabouts is the pharmacy at the City Hospital?
Where is the mri scan
What is recovery city- clinical support ward
What is the phone number for pations2 ward
Where is upper GI rsa
Do they provide Phlebotomy training
How do I go about finding out for a friend the time she was born, in 1950. She has Registration papers of her birth. Thank you !
Could I send my son who is in hospital at the moment a parcel with books head phones and is watch has I can't travel and with no vistors aloud thanks Karen
I want to ask the question who is Jennifer crown and she is surgery doctor in Nottingham
Does the baby unit need hats for prem babies
I have knit some prem baby hats to donate to the hospital where do I take them, and should I wash them first? (It's brand new yarn)
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:50 am

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