One Vision Housing Limited

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Atlantic House Dunnings Bridge Road Bootle L30 4TH

One Vision Housing Limited average review score


One Vision Housing Limited recent reviews

write your review
Patricia Boardman 9 months ago on 1023
( 1 out of 5 )

Awful have been decanted due to them selling block to developers – had issues since signed tenancy agreement, its been 4 weeks now and am at wits end , place is a dump , i cannot move in due to the smell rubbish left on site by voids team i know believe potential asbestos in mastic above the tiles going to the media

AliMohammad Enshaeian 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

Nice place

H Ward 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

Fantastic organisation

One Vision Housing Limited FAQs

How many days in law are you supposed to go without a morning check up call from the warden in sheltered accomodation. Thank you.

I don't think there is any law that covers this, it's classed as a service the warden provides when they're on duty. There is 24hr emergency assistance available if required though.

How can I register on one vision?
Do you have bungalows in southport
Do one vision housing associations have any bungalows in southport
I have a big chair to remove will they pick it up for me .
How much notice do you have to give if you want to move?
Is one vision responsible for communal aerial
Housing officer for lydiate
How can you take the bathroom light fitting off to change bulb
Can i pay on online banking
Does one vision have bungalows on the wirral Birkenhead ?.
Could I get any help to do my garden , I am a pensioner and my gardener has let me down , does Vision One have any help for people like me ?
How. Do I get on bidding list
How do I register I live in scotland ?
How do you sign in
Do you know when the new cladding will be fiished on Cygnet House.
How to acquire green garden bins for communal area
Just moved into a flat. Can I have 2 cats.
How old do you need 2 be 2 go in 2 shelter accommodation
How many years do you have to wait for s new kitchen or bathroom to be done after you have had one done before ?
I live in a communal block the windows have not been cleaned since December the block is filthy and we pay service charge I live in Dorset close bootle
What dates is when u get free rent at Christmas
How do you arrange a mutual house exchange?
Has any 1 had cavity wall insulation done
For one vision housing association, how do you justify giving massive 3 bed apartments in a newly renovated high rise to just one person? I can't even be considered for that,
how can i bid if i havent got a computer or access to internet on my phone
Hi my mum passed away saturday 12/6/21, lives in a 3 bedroom house,now the property is empty, I was wondering how long we have to get all her furniture ect out of the property?
How do we go about getting our loft insulated
How do we get our home insulated
When do 1 vision housing start cutting the grass
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:57 am

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