Orpington Hospital

Orpington Hospital Service Phone Number

Customer Service Number

Orpington Hospital Service Address


Sevenoaks Road Orpington BR6 9JU

Orpington Hospital average review score


Orpington Hospital recent reviews

write your review
Mildred Ehiabor 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

The staff are something special… 10/10. I came in for a procedure and I was super nervous for it but the doctor and 2 nurses make me feel calm and comfortable the whole time. I usually hate coming to the hospital but the conversation …

Ken Bourne 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

Super hospital

james maroni 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

Very friendly

Orpington Hospital FAQs

What are visiting hours

2pm to 8pm on weekdays. You could visit as early as 12pm on weekends.

What time do blood tests open please
how much to pay for blue badge parking
Can you get with at Orpington hospital as an inpatient?
Are there still roadworks adjacent to Orpington Hospital
where is the coffee shop in orpington hospital
Can you take toddlers in to visit
Can I send flowers to a patient?
Is there an email for orpington hospital
Does this hospital have a maternity unit?
Does it have a are
Is hospital open for blood tests on Saturday
Can a friend come in with me
Can I book an x-ray appointment on line
Is there a GP at the hospital?
Do I need to book an appointment for a blood test
is there diabled parking places
Is there a cafe at the hospital?
can i get an xray withot an appointment
was treated last year by DRKing Iwill like to speak urgently byname David Hennessey
How long do you have to wait for a op after a pre assessment
Does the eye clinic have an email address?
does orpington hospital have breast screening facilities
I have to come for a blood test, would I be able to get my second vaccination at the same time.
Is the cafe open?
Am I allowed to send a card to an in-patient during lockdown, and if so will it be delivered?
Dear Sirs I had an Xray on the 9th October My doctors (St Mary Cray Practice) are still awaiting for the results or image after seven weeks despite many requests What is the poiint in spending money on an XRay if nobody Sees it David Hill 07/08/46
does this hospital have private facilities
do you have an audiology dept where I can get hearing aid batteries
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:50 am

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