Bognor War Memorial Hospital

Bognor War Memorial Hospital Service Phone Number

Customer Service Number

Bognor War Memorial Hospital Service Address


Shripney Road Bognor Sussex PO22 9PP

Bognor War Memorial Hospital average review score


Bognor War Memorial Hospital recent reviews

write your review
Haydn hawkins 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

Free parking lucky staff. H

George Bone 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

Realise helpful

ant burge 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

Wheres the post code

Bognor War Memorial Hospital FAQs

X-ray opening times?

(Translated by Google) 9am 5pm (Original) 9am 5pm

Is the X-ray department open 24 hours.?
How is the Parking facilities
Is there a car park there?
Does Bognor hospital still do blood tests?
What bus serves this hospital ? Does the 700 come near ?
Does it have a dyalist unit
Do you have a non appointment blood test service
is there an x ray dept.
How many wards are in this hosp
Where is the muscle-skeletal clinic located
can you walk in for a x ray ?
Can they do ECG's there?
Is the hospital 24/7 open
Is there an email address
what services does this hospital provide?
Does the hospital do adult autism testing?
How do I book a blood test at Bognor Hospital please as my Dr's surgery was unsuccessful? Thanks.
Are physiotherapy appointments still going ahead next week?
Is there a cafe at the hospital
Blood test hours
Is bognor hospital part of west Sussex trust
What are the opening times for bllod tests
How do you get an appointment for the pain clinic? I have written but gained no response.
How do you get an appointment for the pain clinic? I have written but gained no response.
What is the number for Knee clinic
Pulmonary radiographs are performed? You can come to the medical unit during this period?
Do they remove plaster cast
What are the visiting times?
Is there abortion referrals?
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:57 am

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