Pembrokeshire County Council FAQs
What are the rules and regulations regarding rear garden fencing, in respect of the height of the fencing.? When is it classed as an eye sore ?
I believe it to be a max hieght of six feet and always the best side facing out
What are the regulations if any about erecting a garden shed?
What are the regulations about erecting a garden shed please answer
Do the council charge to pick up white good s e.g. fridge freezer
Are you allowed to burn garden waste in your garden?
Is it possible to order more orange bags from the council?
Will binmen take christmas tree with recycling
Hi - have just spoken to the council. They will collect your tree and recycle it but you need to phone to arrange, and leave it in a visible, accessible area.
How to report fly tipping? I leave around Barn Close in Haverfordwest and every week someone dumps their waste under cover of darkness in a car park area. This than is dragged around by animals or spread by wind. What can be done to stop that?
Hi My names Nathan Im a member of the PCC My advice is to Record it and show it to the council ot report it to the police
How do I apply for an over 60's bus pass?
Go to a Post Office and get the relevant form. You will need proof of pension payment and a passport photo
Where can I get the green garden waste bags that the council collect
There is a annual charge for these, if you want one it's best to go to the office on the riverside of county hall in Haverfordwest, you might be able to order online too !
Are schools closed tomorrow as it has started snowing,if so please respond so I don't have to walk to school and get there and find out its closed.
Hi my name is Nathan I am a school adviser administrator for the Pembrokeshire County council, temperature County Council will be contacting the schools to decide whether the schools should be closed tomorrow. It all depends if all the snow stops but if it carries on there will be an amber warning for all schools to be closed in Pembrokeshire and other places around the County!!
I'm abroad. Before I went i tried to contact Ian Davies by email at the PCC tax department but I haven't had a reply from him. It appears that he has left the County Council. I can't access my PCC account from abroad. What can I do?
You can email enquiries @pembrokeshire, and ask for council tax to email you directly if you give them the address it is concerning and what type of query you have they will respond asap.
I live in the national park. My conservatory has reached end of life and need to be replaced. Can I use a warm roof instead of glass without making a planning application?
The National Park has its own planning department. You need to contact them directly and not Pembrokeshire County Council.
have there been any compulsory purchases of local property in recent years
Not that I know of but that's not a definitive answer, try making a foi request to pcc.
How do I book a slot for council tips.
How do i get a new food waste bin? Mines gone missing?
Phone the council and order one
How much do the brown bins cost
When are the school holidays in 2019???
How and where do I look up the history of my cottage
Try the local records office , next to sir Thomas Picton school
How do I find out who my councillor is?
Can I burn paper in a bin in my garden?
I notice that cartons of milk, fruit juice, etc, carry the 'Recycle' symbol and the notation 'Widely recycled'. Does PCC now accept such cartons in orange bags for recycling, please?
If I put shredded paper in an orange bag then where do I place...... paper box or grey bag
How do I change the name of our house? Do I have to inform the council?
Does anyone know of a scheme which collects digital devices, removes all data, ensures they are in working order and then delivers them to people in need?
Is there a passport interview office there if so please reply with an answer.
The council empty all glass box in Fernhill merlins bridge but They did not empty mine and it was full
How do I get a glass waste box
There is a rumour that the Council have put 2,500 adders in Goodwick Moor because they are an endangered species. Is this true?