Preston County Court

Preston County Court average review score


Preston County Court recent reviews

write your review
BATMAN 1 year ago on Google
( 1 out of 5 )

Biased and unprofessional to the point of failing justice.

James 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

An Experience !, clean and very professional and always someone to help if there is a need to be

Kashif Hameed 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

👍🏼 …

Preston County Court FAQs

Is this the magistrates court

This is the crown court, the magistrates court is about 200m away down the ringway.

Is there any car park spaces for disabled near Crown Court?
Is the 'Preston Combined Court Centre' the correct County Court I would make an Application to for a large money claim. I have been LIED TO and dis-honestly handled by a Solicitor from Manchester ?
Where is the nearest car park ?
Is there parking there
Is there any disabled parking at Crown court?
I would like to find out what sentence the judge handed down for a case I was a juror on. Is this possible please
Can I get a copy of divorce absolute from here please?
How far from train station
Where is the nearest parking.
I've recieved a hand delivered letter asking me to get in touch with a county court bailiff " as a matter of urgency" How can it be a " matter of urgency " when the letter doesn't even have a name on it???
I require a replacement decree Absolute document from the court
What is the e-mail address for the County Court
How to enforce an employment tribunal order
Is there an.up date on 31 year old elliot charles jones case rape who was taken back into.custody on the 18 th august 2017.
How and can I find out if a residency and prevention steps order is taking place today?
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:57 am

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