They are great company. And a nice service. Don’t blame them for zero interest rates. They can’t do anything about it. Blame the gov printing money.
Moved some money here from elsewhere to earn a little bit of interest. Nice website and easy to set up the account. Everything nicely explained. Easy to log in and make payments etc.
Easy to set up new account web site is clear and simple to use
Interest rates are OK but customer service is not great and because they are not part of the clearing system in the UK transfers can take upto 48 hours which has proved problematic. There are other banks Tandem and Chase which are better either in interest rates or transfer times or indeed both and with better customer service.
Bought a Nissan Qashqai from Glyn Hopkin a while back which developed an ongoing fault .
The vehicle was purchased by using RCI Bank Financial Services ,and eventually …
Simple to use and great rates which are the same for new and existing customers. unlike Santander, who don’t give a toss about existing loyal customers getting worse rates than new accounts.