Redditch Borough council (Housing Association) FAQs
I need help with my garden has I am ill will the council help I'm willing to pay.
No. They won't. I have asked that . Google chs gardening service. They were friendly :)
Do you pick up old mattress
I had to book a bulky waste collection but yes it was collected
I've always owned my own house my partner and I are separated I have to leave I have no other family how do I go about getting housed
Don't leave your home once you go it's no longer your home and the council won't house you so stay put and ask for help from the council
When is the last date for the brown bin
If your brown bin is collected with your grey bin, your last collection is week commencing 18th November
If your brown bin is collected with your green bin, your last collection is week commencing 25th November
Is it open weekend?
No, Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm
Is this who I pay my council tax to as ive just moved to redditch
Yes it is. 01527 64252 is the number for he council - call them and they will put you through to the council tax department.
What 2 months do we not pay council tax?
Council tax is collected from April to January so if you are up to date with your payments then you don't have to pay in Feb and March. The council tax charge is for the whole year so its not a case of not paying for Feb and March, it's just collected over 10 months instead of 12.
How do I renew my bus pass after expired
you need to pop into the library in town and they will help you renew your bus pass
Can I have a fire in my garden
I live in batchley
Are planning officers in work today?
How much is charged for a gardening bin
Can you provide an email address email for judith
Do the council remove wasp nest
Are buses running today 16th March 2021
Is the town hall open to pay rent today
What are the rules on wood flooring if you live in a middle floor flat .ie what rooms can you put it in ?
Why is it so difficult to get someone to change a light bulb in my bath room, i am not able to do this myself as i had a brain operation and i am not able to climb steps, i have reported it to the council but there is 24 hr wait .
Hello, I have my fence falling down which is left hand side of my property, council owned, and needs replacing. I have children and pets and live on a busy road. I have had no response on this issue, any ideas???? Thank you Lisa.
Can I get a bin for garden waste
I have a relative who has been married 42 years and lived in the same house as her husband in Redditch and that the house may be in her husband's name only. If his health deteriorates and he has to go into a care home will she be able to stay