Empowering People Inspiring Communities Limited FAQs
Does anyone else have problems getting replies from Epic . What's the point of having rules and procedures when they don't follow their own guideline .
They are a law unto themselves some might say they are just plain ignorant?
How long does it it normally take to get a flat
Took me around 12 month to get a one bedroom flat 2019
Do Brendan fern still do the gas safety check
Yes they do
How to apply
Try their website
How old do u havw to be x
Hi Heather,
Please contact the office on 01782252575 and we will be more than happy to go through everything with you.
Kind Regards,
Does anyone know who is actually in charge of running Epic Housing , also has anyone ever sent a recorded letter and still not got a reply
Yes , never got a response until I sent them a photo of the letter been signed for ?
How do I get on the waiting list
Online or at their office.
My 75yr old auntie has been without
heat and hot water since Monday!
Epic have severely let her down!
I am not an Epic tenant.
Hi I would like to know if you buy properties.we are looking to sell the property next year which as a tenant in it which as been in it for ten years which is in Bucknell in Stoke on Trent thanks Valerie
I'm not sure. Will have to contact them. Sorry I couldn't help.
Got more replacing plaster to be done, as the company would not pay for the fans when modernising kitchen and bathroom. Got to redecorate yet again, at my own cost, when housing officer saw the damage. I explained that I did not have the money.
If you have an elderly relative who was living in an Epic home that was living on their own and has passed away, how long have you got to clear everything and hand the property back?
Does anyone know if epic do waste collections?
Anyone no what's happening about the vouchers we supposed to get. As their has been no contact. There Email is useless and they want answer the phone.
With leaking radiators that I had recently I had to wait five days for an emergency repair.
I need the email address for allocations to send paper work off please
Do epic still do loans and if so can I get one even though I am renting off a private landlord
Last updated
October 31st, 2023 at 10:57 am
Empowering People Inspiring Communities Limited Head Office Number