Ripley Hospital

Ripley Hospital Service Phone Number

Customer Service Number

Ripley Hospital Service Address


Sandham Lane Ripley Derbyshire DE5 3HE

Ripley Hospital average review score


Ripley Hospital recent reviews

write your review
Joseph Morton 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

quite nice!

Emma England 1 year ago on Google
( 1 out of 5 )

Poor very poot

Julie Holmes 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

Very efficient

Ripley Hospital FAQs



What time is Ripley hospital open until on Saturday
What time is Ripley hospital open on sundays
Due u do plaster on Sundays
Do you provide urine tests
Does Ripley hospital have walk in centre
Do they have an A&E department
What time do they start doing blood tests
ive been trying to get in touch with xray for an appointment but nobody is answering.i dont know what to do now thank you very much .sheilahawksley
Hi. I think i have an infected finger. I'm currently in process of changing doctors. As moved house. Can i still be seen?
Are blood tests being done
When is podiatry open at ripley hospital
What are the car parking charges?
How do I make an appointment
is there a doctor at walk in
What time do you open tomorrow morning thanks
What time does the vampire department open please...?
Does anybody know an emergency dentist thats open now thanks
Are you open today easter Monday I think I've got a kidney infection
What is the parking like at the hospital
What time is xray open. Do I have to make an appointment
do ripley hospital operate their x-ray dept for minor injuries on a saturday
Do you re tube nsh hearing aids
Do I need to book a blood test
Can I walk in for a blood test without a booked appointment
Y does it say they are open at 0800 and you phone them they say they are open at 08,30 ???
I've run out of my prograblin and venflaxine XL . I've forgotten to order more from my doctor . Can I get them prescribe from Ripley hospital .
What time is the blood clinic open till and what days thanks
Is the blood test open bank holiday
Is there blood testing on Saturday?
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:58 am

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