Royal Bournemouth Hospital FAQs
What are the visiting times
Can I accompany my husband to his outpatient appointment?
Where possible no but you can if he needs a wheelchair.
Is the podiatry service operating at the moment?
It should be. Give them a call. There is a significant backlog i believe.
Buses from Bath Road Bournemouth to Royal Bournemouth Hospital Castle Lane Bournemouth
If you walk across to Lansdowne road you can get the 3 direct to the hospital
Is there a mental health ward in Bournemouth hospital?
Not so much a mental health ward but you have an ICU unit that is mental health observation but yes they do have a mental health division dedicated to helping with mental health
I really need to know about a lump/fissure I have recently had an operation 3 months ago and it's come back and it's got bigger can't go to the loo or walk propley what should I do
I would go to the accident and emergency department
What are the visiting times for the AMU?
Where can I find the urgent treatment centre at Bournmouth hospital, thank you
It is on the East Wing. The entrance is opposite the Village Hotel.
How do i get to the blue badge parking area without having to drive over speed humps
I think that you will find that there is a blue badge zone by the public entrance to the emergency unit. Continue along the perimeter road towards the courts and the second entrance will take you there. The first entrance is for ambulances. Hope that this helps
Had cataract operation on right eye over a year ago. Meant to have cataract op on left eye a week later, but not had. Am now suffering from pain in left eye. How can I get treatment
Ringing 111 will only advise you to go to A&E, if the pain is more painful head to Emergency department or phone the hospital to speak to the team there.
It's advisable if it's a non Emergency to not attend A&E as there is likely a 8 to 12 hour wait to be seen. This is due to people attending A&E when their GP can see them and Covid-19
Is the hospital full or are they still taking emergency patients in
They will always take emergency cases in.
Are there any shops I can walk to from the hospital whilst waiting g for a patient
There is a Big Tesco extra on Castle Lane.
Can i use a card to pay for parking
(Translated by Google) Yup
Can I see someone now?
Accident and Emergency has always been open. You can make an appointment if you need to see someone.
Is rbh allowing one visitor to see elderly patient from 9th march like carr homes are if had covid test
The visiting rules are one person from same household or support bubble once the patient has been admitted for 7 days or more and had 2 negative covid swabs.
I have a appointment at outpatient department on Monday, is it ok to attend?
See no reason why not ? Ring hospital appointments to confirm
Hi, is there any update regarding medical representatives access to the hospital . Do you know if the hospital will allow visitors anytime soon?
Viisiting is now allowed for relatives. Phone them
Does it have a cardiology department
can i be seen by the eye clinic any day?
Not weekends unless previously arranged.
Does the hospital have an email address?
Ring them and ask if you unable to find one, the hospital won't respond here
Visiting hours bmth hospital today
will cards be delivered to patient by post with name and ward number?
What is the waiting time for assessment in the orthodontic dept.
What are the visiting hours for Ward 23 please ?
To whom do I complain about the appalling care that I received at Bournemouth Hospital's emergency department, after a head injury?
Is there a radiotherapy unit at the Royal
Where about s is the X-ray department at bournmouth hospital
Is disabled blue badge parking free?
hi... does RBCH allow pets (cats small size) in staff accommodation?