Appointments are not necessary unless you are arranging to collect paperwork
Are you opened today?
Yes. We are open through most of the public holidays
How long do you keep information about your clients
Standard data protection act rules apply- 6 year minimum
How does a a human being with any level of self respect work for these scum bags? Scavengers!
Bank arrestment carried out by DCC for this year's council tax due to a initial late payment at start of April paid online every month. Apparently that was voluntary and I should have been paying Scott and Co. Still waiting on refund 2mrhs later
I forgot to pay my council tax arrears this month as i am scint due to a fall caused by slipping on thoverwhelming of goose droppings i have hospital on tuesday ref the wound. Can we let it slide (no pun intended )
How do I get a statement of my account
do you have an email address as I cannot get through on the phone
Your phone line is not do I pay you?