Severnside Housing

Severnside Housing Service Phone Number

Customer Service Number

Severnside Housing Service Address


Severnside House Brassey Road Old Potts Way SY3 7FA

Severnside Housing average review score


Severnside Housing recent reviews

write your review
Nicola Short 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

Friendly staff x

Kieran Scott 1 year ago on Google
( 1 out of 5 )

No standards of decency.

Jerome Conlin (Sid) 1 year ago on Google
( 1 out of 5 )

No help

Severnside Housing FAQs

How do i get on housing list for old peoples bungalows in Much Wenlock please ?

Join Home point

How do I report a tenant whose dog barks all day and night
Do Severnside housing help with emergency accommodation?
How to bid for a house
My toilet has exploded flooding my bathroom and kitchen. I've been on hold for 45 minutes, am I wasting my time? I don't think anyone is in the emergency office!
I'm a new to this association , if got problems with my walls they are crumbling iv had them come out they said the raise a job I'm on week 3 and still nothing I rang office they said it hadn't been logged. Has any one else had issues like this
Do I have to pay for a hand rail to be installed?
Are tennents allowed to have a duck?
D I need permission to have a smart meter installed?
Can your children be added to the tenancy?
Do severnside give decorating vouchers after re wiring has been done?
Do they supply and erect fence panels?
Can I do minor work in my bathroom. Taking out the bath and putting in a shower door with cubicle unit.
How do I get a back door replaced been waiting 2yrs and several visits from housing inspector promising to do the job
How do I apply for social housing with yourselves as I probably be eligible for sheltered house ?
Do severnside fix tv ariels . Mine has fallen from the roof.
How many dogs are you alowed ??
Is it possible for my mum (the tenant) to change the tenancy over to me (her son). Who also lives in the property
Do you do painting and decorating having difficultypayong in one go for a private contractor
What to do when my parent is deceased
hi why does it take 10 months to buy a house off sevenside when it normily 3 months
Are u aloud to bleed your radiators
after the last windstorm the fence on both sides of my garden was overturned who is going to fix it?
When are we supposed to hear from housing , we are on the top of applied bungalow and getting nothing back , hopefully hear soon
Need to contact Severnside for an emergency, cant get threough, please has anyone got a number for me to ring ?
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:58 am

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