Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Service Phone Number

Customer Service Number

Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Service Email Address
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Service Address


76 Wellesley Road Sheffield South Yorkshire S10 2SZ

Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust average review score


Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust recent reviews

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Dëvïl 1 year ago on Google
( 5 out of 5 )

Helloooooooooooo …

Ali Hameed 1 year ago on Google
( 4 out of 5 )

Friendly staff

DINA SHEFFIELD 1 year ago on Google
( 2 out of 5 )

Unable to answer the phone

Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust FAQs

Hello an how have u been doing.....pls I do come across this able an high quality hospitals on line....I am from Gambia a Laboratory technician who wants to have a career with ur do I go about that pls.....

Please help your fellow citizens in The Gambia. We have problems here, but healthcare in Africa needs you far more than in the UK

Where is the hallamshire eye clinic
Physio works archer rd. anyone know their phone number please? The published no....3051699 is unobtainable
Is there a a&e department in the royal hallamshire?
Do I have to be referred to Sheffield dental hospital ? The reason I ask is that last year i had surgery and then twenty sessions of radio therapy, today I find bad pain and wobbly teeth
Would like to donate to respiratory? How do I do this please?
how can i have Appointment for my nose
Do you have a 'Stroke Department' capable of tracking and treating a clot in the lower leg?
Is there any vaccency for dialysis technician
Where to make an official complaints.
Waiting time from referral for cataract surgery ? Thank you, Gerard
What is pulmonary hypertension And
Are they any Apprentice Registered Nurse courses for people with qualifications
Last updated

October 31st, 2023 at 10:57 am

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