Just come back from Stamford hospital after injuring my calf , absolutely first class arrived at 10am seen at 10.15 and finished at 10.45 , everyone there where very polite and helpful, this is also the first time I’ve used this service so …
Stamford & Rutland Hospital FAQs
What time does blood clinic open
It opens at 0830 hrs until 1645 hrs Mon to Fri
Does this hospital do X-rays?
Yes it does
How can I cancel an appointment?
Call them
Can you just turn up for blood tests at stamford hospital
Yes you can !
how far to ward from entrance
All depends which ward. They have manual wheelchairs in the entrance for patient use. If you need someone to push you, then I'm sure a porter would help if you need it. Just ask at reception.
Its quite a walk.
What are the current hours of the blood testing dept?
Eight till five i believe
What are the opening hours of the Xray dept please?
I believe 9-4
What time does the pharmacy open
About 8.30am I think
What is parking like at this hospital?
Thank you Joanne, that's fab to know!
What is the car parking like, also the cost.
How much to park
Does Stamford Hospital have an MRI scanner?
No peterborough is the nearest
Is stamford hospital open in the day for minor injuries
How to you gain access to the hospital car park, is it just off Uffington Road (A1175) or Ryhall Road (A6121)?
Ryhall Road via the Outpatients area unless you are going to day ward then it would be Uffington road
Do I have to make an appointment or just turn up
The minor injuries has closed, for blood tests it's turn up, everything else is appointment
Is it open tomorrow
The hosp is closed until Monday morning at 0800
What time does the blood testing place near Stamford hospital close today
It closes at 5pm prompt
How long should I expect to wait for an appointment to see someone at the pain clinic
Stamford is usually a little quicker than other hospitals, such as Peterborough, but it's still chronically understaffed and suffers from the same woes as all other NHS hospitals. Depending on the critical nature of your complaint, I'd say you need to give it around 6 weeks.
What time are visiting hours please?
How far is the hospital from the train station
What time does minor injuries open
Do they do cat scans here
Does Stamford hospital do gallbladder operations
Does this hospital carry out laser back procedures to incapacitate nerves that cause constant pain and is this on nah and is there a long wait list